Nursing Advisory Board
Ginger Barthel

Senior Consultant, Borling Associates 2008-2010 Vice President, Clinical Operations, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Park Ridge IL. 1977-2008
Professional history: Senior Consultant, Borling Associates 2008-2010 Vice President, Clinical Operations, Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Park Ridge IL. 1977-2008 Director of Operations, Manager of ICU Craven County Hospital, New Bern, NC.1972-1977 Lutheran Hospital, Omaha Nebraska 1971-1972
Education: Webster University - Masters Elmhurst College - Bachelors Lutheran Medical Center-Diploma, nursing
Professional Organizations, past member: American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Fellow Society of Critical Care Medicine International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN)
Professional Awards, Recognition and Grants: Recipient of the Illinois SAGE award for nurse mentorship Sigma Theta Tau - Honorary member, Zeta Beta chapter Merck Pharmaceutical grants to create a cardiovascular risk assessment process to reduce risk in patient populations Philanthropic donations to implement online education for families of ICU patients - ICU USA Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Health Partner Endowment Grant for pediatric and adult palliative care Philanthropic donations to establish Nursing Endowment Fund to promote nursing research and evidence based practice American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) award winner, Center for Advanced Care, team design