Nursing Advisory Board
Dr. Cole Edmonson
Chief Nursing Officer

Dr. Edmonson has a career spanning three decades with roles from clinical nurse to chief nursing officer, currently he is the Chief Clinical Officer for AMN Healthcare. He is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing, the American College of Healthcare Executives, National Academy of Practice and the American Organization for Nursing Leadership; and Nursing Executive Advanced-Board Certified. He is a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Executive Nurse Fellow Alum. He completed his BSN and MSN at Oklahoma University College of Nursing and DNP at Texas Christian University.
He is a contributor to the literature and speaks nationally in the area of leadership, succession planning, research, moral courage, nurse bullying, culture building, emerging global health issues, Magnet, genetics/genomics, emerging global health issues, stress mitigation in nursing and disaster nursing.
He has led two organizations to Magnet. He has been a primary investigator/ co-investigator on numerous nursing research studies ranging from Just Cultures to genetics/genomics. He is a co-creator of the genetics / genomics toolbox for the NIH/NHGP/NCI. His latest co-authored book is the Nurse Managers Guide to Recruitment & Retention.
He served on the National League for Nursing (NLN) Acceleration to Practice Committee, a commissioner on the NLN Commission on Nursing Education Accreditation, the UHG external clinical advisory council, the Texas Hospital Association and is the Chair of the NLN Foundation. He co-lead the Texas Team – Action Coalition with RWJF / CCNA. He is a Past President for the Texas Organization of Nurse Executives, is past AONL Board Member and Secretary of the ANCC board member.